Great Short Stories of the World -- a collection of complete short stories chosen from the literatures of all periods and countries
by Barrett Harper Clark
First Published
The two brothers (Anpu and Bata) / Anonymous -- Setna and the magic book / Anonymous -- Eumæus' : talk / Homer -- The country mouse and the town mouse / Æsop -- King Rhampsinitus and the thief / Herodotus -- Phineus and the harpies / Apollonius of Rhodes -- The robbers of Egypt / Heliodorus -- Horatius at the bridge / Livy -- Orpheus and the Eurydice / Ovid -- The shipwreck of Simonides / Phædrus -- The matron of Ephesus / Petronius -- The haunted house / Pliny the Younger -- The dream / Apuleius -- The book of Ruth (Old Testament) -- The history of Susanna (The Apocrypha) -- The prodigal son (New Testament) -- The raising of Lazarus (New Testament) -- Rabbi Akiva (The Talmud) -- The Jewish mother (The Talmud) -- The ass in the lion's skin (Jataka) -- The dove and the crow (Panchatantra) -- The story of Devadatta / Somadeva -- The jackal (Hitopadesa) -- Jamshid and Zuhak / Firdawsi -- The sailor and the pearl merchant / Anonymous -- Khaled and Djaida / Al-Asmal -- Abou Hassan the wag (Thousand and one nights) -- Grendel's raid (Beowulf) -- Esyllt and Sabrina / Geoffrey of Monmouth -- The humbling of Jovinian (Gesta Romanorum) -- Lludd and Llevelys (The Mabinogion) -- Launcelot's tourney / Sir Thomas Malory -- Roberto's tale / Robert Greene -- True relation of the apparition of one Mrs. Veal / Daniel Defoe -- The story of an heir / Joseph Addison -- The disabled soldier / Oliver Goldsmith -- The bridal of Janet Dalrymple / Sir Walter Scott -- The white trout / Samuel Lover -- The queer client / Charles Dickens -- A terribly strange bed / Wilkie Collins -- Squire Petrick's lady / Thomas Hardy -- Thrawn Janet / Robert Louis Stevenson -- The selfish giant / Oscar Wilde -- Julia Cahill's curse / George Moore -- That brute Simmons / Arthur Morrison. The lay of Hildebrand / Anonymous -- Siegfried and Kriemhild (The lay of the Nibelungs) -- The coming of Gandin / Gottfried von Strassburg -- Bruin the bear & Reynard the fox (Reynard the fox) -- Eulenspiegel and the merchant (Eulenspiegel) -- Doctor Faust and the usurer (The history of Dr. J. Faust) -- The sick wife / Christian Gellert -- Little Briar-Rose / The brothers Grimm -- The story of Serapion / E.T.A. Hoffmann -- The legend of the dance / Gottfried Keller -- The fury / Paul Heyse -- The triple warning / Arthur Schnitzler -- A New-Year's Eve confession / Hermann Sudermann -- The divided horsecloth / Bernier -- The priest and the mulberries / Anonymous -- The lay of the two lovers / Marie de France -- The pious lady and the gray friar / Marguerite de Navarre -- He who married a dumb wife ; The roast-meat seller / François Rabelais -- Little Red Riding-Hood / Charles Perrault -- The four friends / Jean de Lafontaine -- Memnon the philosopher / Voltaire -- Lausus and Lydia / J.F. Marmontel -- The mysterious mansion / Honoré de Balzac -- Mateo Falcone / Prosper Mérimée -- The mummy's foot / Théophile Gautier -- The torture of hope / Villiers de L'Isle Adam -- The last lesson / Alphonse Daudet -- The fairy Amoureuse / Émile Zola -- The substitute / François Coppée -- Our lady's juggler / Anatole France -- The necklace / Guy de Maupassant -- The bell of Atri (The hundred ancient tales) -- The falcon / Giovanni Boccaccio -- Galgano / Ser Giovanni -- The two ambassadors / Franco Sacchetti -- The cavalier of Toledo / Masuccio (Guardato) -- Belphagor / Niccolo Macchiavelli -- A king in disguise / Matteo Bandello -- The friar of Novara / Agnolo Firenzuola -- The Greek merchant / Giovanbattista Giraldi Cinthio -- The Venetian silk-mercer / Carlo Gozzi. Cavalleria rusticana / Giovanni Verga -- The peasant's will / Antonio Fogazzaro -- Mendicant melody / Edmondo de Amicis -- Lulu's triumph / Matilde Serao -- The hero / Gabriele d'Annunzio -- Two miracles / Grazia Deledda -- The miracle of the Jew (Chronicle of the Cid) -- The son and his friends / Juan Manuel -- How Lazaro served a bulero / Diego Hurtado de Mendoza -- Guzman and my lord Cardinal / Mateo Alemán -- Rinconete and Cortadillo / Miguel Cervantes -- The tall woman / Pedro Antonio de Alarcón -- Maese Perez, the organist / Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer -- Adios, Cordera! / Leopoldo Alas -- Story of Ming-Y ; Fickle widow (Marvelous tales) -- The virtuous daughter-in-law / Pu Sung-Ling -- The forty-seven ronins [ronin] / Anonymous -- The pier / Mori Ogwai -- A domestic animal / Shimazaki Toson -- The higher the flight the lower the fall / Jacob Cats -- The story of Saidjah / Eduard Douwes Dekker -- Grandfather's birthday present / Herman Heijermans -- The invisible wound / Karoly Kisfaludi -- A ball / Maurus Jokai -- The green fly / Kalman Mikszath -- The silver hilt / Ferenc Molnar -- The snow storm / Alexander Pushkin -- St. John's eve / Nikolai Gogol -- The district doctor / Ivan Turgenev -- The Christmas tree and the wedding / Feodor Dostoievsky [Dostoyevsky] -- The long exile / Leo Tolstoy -- The old bell-ringer / Vladimir Korolenko -- The signal / Vsevolod Garshin -- The bet / Anton Chekhov -- One autumn night / Maxim Gorky -- Silence / Leonid Andreyev. The lighthouse keeper of Aspinwall / Henryk Sienkiewicz -- The human telegraph / Boleslav Prus -- Forebodings / Stefan Zeromski -- A woman's wrath / Isaac Loeb Peretz -- The Passover guest / Sholom Aleichem -- A picnic / S. Libin -- The Kaddish / Abraham Raisin -- Abandoned / Sholom Asch -- In the storm / David Pinski -- Baldr's bale / Snorri Sturluson -- Regin's tale (Volsunga saga) -- The shepherdess and the sweep / Hans Christian Andersen -- Henrik and Rosalie / Meyer Aron Goldschmidt -- Two worlds / Jens Peter Jacobsen -- Smith who could not get into hell / Peter Christen Asbjörnsen and Jörgen Moe -- The father / Björnstjerne Björnson -- Skobelef / Johan Bojer -- Love and bread / August Strindberg -- The eclipse / Slema Lagerlöf -- The falcon / Per Hallström -- The mysterious picture / Charles de Coster -- The massacre of the innocents / Maurice Maeterlinck -- The soul of Veere / Camille Lemonnier -- One night / Emile Verhaeren -- The neighbor / Antun Gustav Matos -- Children and old folk / Ivan Cankar -- At the well / Laza K. Lazarevich -- The vampire / Jan Neruda -- Foltyn's drum / Svatopluk Cech -- The priest's tale / Demetrios Bikelas -- The Easter torch / I.L. Caragiale -- What Vasile saw / Marie, Queen of Roumania -- The commissioner's Christmas / Dimitr Ivanov -- Chivalry / Ricardo Fernández-García -- The attendant's confession / J.M. Machado de Assis -- The legend of Pygmalion / Ventura García-Calderón -- Creole democracy / Rufíno Blanco-Fombóna -- The deaf satyr / Rubén Darío -- The specter bridegroom / Washington Irving -- Mrs. Bullfrog / Nathaniel Hawthorne -- [Tell-tale Heart](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL41059W) / Edgar Allan Poe -- Journalism in Tennessee / Mark Twain -- The man and the snake / Ambrose Bierce -- The outcasts of Poker Flat / Bret Harte -- The story in it / Henry James -- King Solomon of Kentucky / James Lane Allen -- Miss Tempy's watchers / Sarah Orne Jewett -- A letter and a paragraph / Henry Cuyler Bunner -- Supply and demand / O. Henry -- A dark-brown dog / Stephen Crane -- The lost Phoebe / Theodore Dreiser -- Sophistication / Sherwood Anderson -- A Wagner matinée / Willa Cather -- A brown woman / James Branch Cabell.
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