Cover of Interior design visual presentation
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Interior design visual presentation

by Maureen Mitton

First Published



Interior decoration
Interior decoration rendering
Graphic arts
Arts graphiques
Decoration interieure
Dessins et plans
Rendu de decoration interieure
Interior decoration--design
Nk2113.5 .m58 2008


The new, updated edition of the successful book on interior design Interior Design Visual Presentation, Second Edition is fully revised to include the latest material on CAD, digital portfolios, resume preparation, and Web page design. It remains the only comprehensive guide to address the visual design and presentation needs of the interior designer, with coverage of design graphics, models, and presentation techniques in one complete volume. Approaches to the planning, layout, and design of interior spaces are presented through highly visual, step-by-step instructions, supplemented with more than forty pages of full-color illustrations, exercises at the end of each chapter, and dozens of new projects. With the serious designer in mind, it includes a diverse range of sample work, from student designers as well as well-known design firms such as Ellerbee and Beckett Architects and MS Architects.


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