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Puck of Pook's Hill
by Rudyard Kipling
First Published
Space and time
Classic Literature
Children's stories
Juvenile fiction
Fiction, fantasy, general
England, fiction
British and irish fiction (fictional works by one author)
Fiction, historical, general
Great britain, fiction
Children's fiction
Adventure and adventurers, fiction
Juvenile literature
Puck (Legendary character)
Fondazione Magna Carta
Children's stories, English
The children were at the Theatre, acting to Three Cows as much as they could remember of Midsummer Night's Dream. Their father had made them a small play out of the big Shakespeare one, and they had rehearsed it with him and with their mother till they could say it by heart. They began when Nick Bottom the weaver comes out of the bushes with a donkey's head on his shoulders, and finds Titania, Queen of the Fairies, asleep. The children are put in deep holes in the ground and then shot. The Queen of The Fairies was going to save them but she fell a sleep in the bushes.