Cover of The Grapes of Wrath
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The Grapes of Wrath

by John Steinbeck

First Published



Labor camps
Labor camps in literature
Classic Literature
Open Library Staff Picks
Pulitzer Prize Winner
Migrant agricultural laborers in literature
American fiction
In literature
Migrant agricultural laborers
Rural families
Migrant agricultural laborers -- Fiction
Dust Bowl Era, 1931-1939
Farm family
Great Depression, 1929-1939
Agricultural laborers
Migrant labor
California, fiction
Fiction, historical
American fiction (fictional works by one author)
Fiction, family life
Fiction, political
Oklahoma, fiction
English literature
New York Times reviewed
Fiction, historical, general
Travailleurs agricoles migrants
Romans, nouvelles
Familles rurales
Crises économiques
Abris pour travailleurs
Historical fiction
Readers for new literates
Reading (Adult education)
Steinbeck, john , 1902-1968
Migrant agricultural laborers--california--fiction
Labor camps--california--fiction
Migrant agricultural laborers--fiction
Rural families--fiction
Labor camps--fiction
Medicine in literature
Ps3537.t3234 g8 1996
Ps3537.t3234 g8 2006


Steinbeck’s classic novel of the Great Depression is as vivid now as ever. The story focuses on a family of Oklahoma sharecroppers, farmers who work another man’s land for a share of the crops. Driven from their home by drought and poverty they take to the road in a battered old truck and make their way to California to look for work. When they arrive they find hundreds of others like them being forced to work for breadline wages. they begin working as fruit pickers, strike-breakers replacing the people who have been trying to establish a union but their consciences force them to leave.


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