What matters?
by Reid S. Johnson
First Published
Investors are facing what could potentially become a financial crisis if they fail to make the better decisions today. Perhaps this helps to account for the surprising results of a recent survey which found one of every four retirees considers life in retirement to be worse than it was before they retired. The survey further showed that one of every three investors had lost trust in their advisor, while two thirds did not believe their advisor had done a good job of managing their assets during the last market downturn. Hopefully the experience with your advisor has been different, but there is absolutely no excuse for you not to have an understanding of these fundamental principles. This book is intended to help you understand the importance of some of the critical and essential issues of investment portfolio construction, as well as enlighten you on what to look for in an investment advisor and investment allocation. The success of your investments--or lack thereof--will end up affecting you and your family's lives far more than just the financial impact.