Cover of King Henry VIII
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King Henry VIII

by William Shakespeare

First Published



Kings and rulers
English drama
British and irish drama (dramatic works by one author)
Shakespeare, william, 1564-1616, king henry viii
Henry viii, king of england, 1491-1547, drama
English literature
English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh
Great britain, history
Great britain, kings and rulers
Henry viii, king of england, 1491-1547


"This is the first fully annotated and comprehensive modern-spelling edition of King Henry VIII - known in its early performances as All is True - for over ten years. It makes full use of current scholarship on the dating, authorship, printing, and sources of the play, as well as critical interpretations, and includes an up-to-date survey of the play in performance. It is the first edition to make frequent use of Cavendish's life of Cardinal Wolsey, which seems likely to have influenced certain aspects of the play, as well as the other recognized sources in Holinshed, Hall, and Foxe." "On authorship, the editor concludes that Shakespeare and his younger colleague John Fletcher worked on the script together but that Shakespeare was probably the guiding spirit, as well as the principal author of several major scenes.". "A fully detailed commentary and a selective collation of major variant readings appear immediately beneath the text. Special attention has been given to the frequent allusion to scripture and proverb lore. An index to all words glossed and authorities cited appears at the end of the volume."--BOOK JACKET.


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