Familiar quotations; a collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature
by John Bartlett
First Published
Accurate • Modern • Reliable • Convenient ♦ THE FIRST AND ONLY HANDY POCKET EDITION OF THE WORLD-FAMOUS TREASURY OF QUOTATIONS "Everyone who puts words on paper for others to reod, everyone who ever speaks to an audience, even though it be an audience of three, needs 'Bartlett.'" THE SHORTER BARTLETT'S FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS is a compact new edition based on one of the most treasured books in American life — BARTLETT'S FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS. As a rich and varied storehouse of the wit and wisdom of mankind Bartlett is unique. As a definitive guide and reference volume Bartlett is unsurpassed. We can live without dictionaries or without encyclopaedias but where is the writer who can live without Bartlett's 'Familiar Quotations'? Whoever has it possesses a sure shunch' to the memory." The Chicago Tribune
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